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Assessment Promotions

Assessment & Promotions

Rules :
  • Promotion at the end of the year will be based on attendance, continuous assessment in every subject work done during the year and overall conduct record.
  • Class tests and assiptitents given din ,,,;, stich term. And certain percentage of mai ks allotted f,„ tille111. I here will be Terminal Examination in September and Final Examination in the month of March- April. por promotion to the next class, a minimum of 40% marks in each subject is required for all classes.
  • The answer papers of the Class Tests may be shown to the parents but the scripts of the Annual Examination will not under any circumstance be shown to the guardians or private tutor.
  • For students who are absent for any assessment no provision can be made for supplementary tests.
  • If a student is unable to appear for any examination due to illness, medical certificate has to be produced to this effect. This will, however, have no claim over promotion. If the absence is justified, the fact will be taken into consideration at the end of the school year.
  • Progress cards issued after Examinations are to be countersigned by the parents and returned to the school on the date notified. Defaulters may be penalized through a fine/ and may not be allowed to attend school until the report is collected/ returned.
  • Regular attendance in class is a condition for promotion. A student will not be promoted to the higher class if his,' her attendance falls below 90% Condonation is exercised only in exceptionally valid cases and that too only to the extent of 5% shortage.
  • The breach of any regulations of conduct at examinations or the use of unfair means, even if discovered subsequently, will result in the cancelation of the particular paper, the student concerned will be awarded zero and he/she can be expelled from the entice examination (that is, all the subjects)
  • The result of the Final Assessment is final and cannot be changed.
  • A student failing in his class at the end of the year does not remain on the rolls unless the parents/ Guardians notify the principal in advance that they wish their son/ ward to continue his/ her studies in the school.
  • The principal's decision in matters of promotion is final and binding.
  • The students are graded in their work on a seven point scale:
  • Latter Grades Marks
    A+ 91-100
    A 81-90
    B+ 71-80
    B+ 71-80
    B 61-70
    C 51-60
    D 41-50
    F (Failed) Below 40