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Rules & Regulations


(Given by Don Bosco)

Attitude to God :
  • Remember that we have been created in order to love and serve God, our Creator, and that all learning and wealth in this world amount to nothing without the fear of God on which our temporal and eternal welfare depends.
  • Give glory to God for whatever learning you have for He is the Author of every good. Do not glory in any ability.
  • Give yourself to the practice of virtue while you are young. The virtues to be cultivated most are modesty ( purity), humility, obedience and Kindness.
  • By modesty is meant a proper and decent manner of speaking and acting. This virtue is one of the best ornaments of our age. The following evils draw God's anger upon us. But if we keep away these evils from us. God will never fail us and will surely give us his blessings.
    1. The taking of the name of God in vain:
    2. Impurity in thought word or deed.
    3. Stealing.
Attitude to School
  • Children should look upon their schoolmates as brothers/ sisters and upon their teachers/ superiors as mothers/ fathers.
  • Respect every teacher whether of your own class or not. Be grateful towards those who taught you in the past. Show your teachers those exterior signs of reverence to which they are entitled, such as greeting them whenever you meet them.
  • Be convinced that your teachers deeply feel their serious obligation of promoting your welfare in the best way they possibly can, and that in advising, commanding and correcting you they have nothing else in view than your own good.
  • After piety study is most praiseworthy. Therefore your first occupation must consist in doing the tasks assigned to you by your teachers.
  • Always rise when your teachers enter the class and again when they leave. If they delay in coming, do not make any noise, but wait for them in your places in silence reviewing your lessons or reading some good book.
  • During class, avoid whispering or interrupting.
Attitude to Schoolmates
  • Strive to edify your schoolmates by your good example at all times. In fact no sermon is more efficacious than good example.
  • Never make fun of those who are backward in their studies or not so quick to grasp their lessons. Let there be no ridiculing of anyone on account of his/ her physical defects. What you laugh at or despise in other may someday befall you.
  • Gladly help one another. At recreation make no distinction in the choice of your companions. Let no one be slighted in any game and let there be no selfishness. If there be need to make a sacrifice for the sake of the team let it be made cheerfully
  • When you are asked by a Superior regarding the conduct of some of your companions, answer to the best of your knowledge especially when it is a matter of preventing or remedying some evil. To be silent would not be beneficial to your companions and would be offensive to God. Always avoid exaggeration and speak truthfully.
  • Always rise when your teachers enter the class and again when they leave. If they delay in coming, do not make any noise, but wait for them in your places in silence reviewing your lessons or reading some good book.
  • During class, avoid whispering or interrupting.
Behaviour at School
  • To write or draw on the blackboard (except when called upon to do so), to write words offensive to anyone, to soil walls or maps or anything else are things absolutely to be avoided.
  • Take care or your textbooks, note books and other belongings. Beware of appropriating your neighbour's property even if it be the smallest thing. Should you find a lost article give it at once to the Principal/ Superior.
  • Keep the floor clean by allowing no paper or ink to fall on it.
  • Cleanliness and purity of soul are reflected by a clean and neat exterior.
Behaviour Outside School
  • Speak no ill of your school mates or of the discipline or of management of the school. Everyone is perfectly free to continue or not to continue in the school.
  • Always speak well of your school and of your teachers.