Monday and tuesday, class one to five, boys wear grey half pant
and white shirt and girls wear grey tunic and white shirt, marrown
tie, black shoe and grey shock.
On Wednesday boys wear white half pant and white shirt and girls
wear white tunic and white shirt, white shoe and white shock (this
is followed for all the students from class Nursery to class
On Saturday the student wear the house T-shirt according to the
colour of the houses they are in and boys put on white pant and
white shoe and white shock and girls put on white tunic and white
shoe and white shock
The students of the Nursery to UKG, from Monday to Tuesday, boys
put on grey pant and red check shirt, black shoe and grey shock
and girls wear grey tunic and red check shirt and black shoe and
grey shock.
On Saturday the students of Nursery put on their P.T uniform with
light green colour shirt, and boys wear white half pant and white
shoe and white shock and girls white tunic and white shoe and
white shock.